About the Awards
The Friendly Business Awards seek to recognize and celebrate businesses that go the “extra mile” by continuing to enhance the customer experience without compromising on customer service.
What is the Friendly Business Awards?
The Friendly Business Awards is our flagship business program where we recognise the pivotal role small businesses play in our local community. We live in challenging times for small businesses and the aim of the Friendly Business Awards is to celebrate the value these businesses bring to our local communities every day.
The Friendly Business Awards Categories:
- Community Impact
- Customer Care
- Digital Experience
- Disability Access
- Eco-Friendliness
- Age Friendly
- Shop Layout and Design
Each JCI Branch then puts forward a short list of local winners to be considered for JCI Ireland National Friendly Business Awards, which will take place at the JCI Ireland National Convention.
Must be between the ages of 18-40
If successful must be able to attend the JCI Ireland National Awards final.
For queries contact: president@jciireland.ie
What is JCI?
JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of our world. JCI gathers active citizens from all sectors of society. We develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action.
There are four pillars or areas of opportunity within the organisation: Individual, Business, Community and International.
JCI members share a passion to challenge and develop themselves. They understand that developing their skills helps improve the world around them.
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Friendly Business Awards Gallery
The awards were set up to recognise businesses that excel in serving the needs of the local community and play a vital role in its development.